Database for Your Powered Applications
PLATMA brings efficiency to the next level offering you seamless work in the workflow section
Power apps with a built-in Postgres database
All the data in one place
Now, you can have all the necessary info on the fly - the platform allows you to connect it to the existing servers
Secure database
We guarantee complete security as the platform connects product tables by pulling data from our built-in database
Reduced complexity
Store and retrieve data effortlessly, reducing the complexities associated with traditional database management
Headache no more
Safe environment
Safely implement and deploy changes to production using PLATMA. The platform automatically generates and configures a database for each environment
Changeable schemes
PLATMA’s database provides built-in schema migration tools. Create an app using your development database, preview schema modifications, and synchronize changes to your production database for release to end users
Seamless integration
Unite various components, enabling them to work cohesively. The database acts as the linchpin, ensuring that all parts of the system work in harmony
Connected data
Create tables effortlessly using the platform. You can schedule the background tasks for periodic data ingestion from third-party APIs using the database
Adjustable spreadsheet
Effortlessly create and validate your application using an intuitive interface. You can easily add tables, columns, and fields with just a few clicks. Efficiently organize and manipulate your data through filtering, sorting, searching, and direct editing
Managed data
Accelerate your app development by modifying the data model as you build. With the database, you can streamline the process of creating apps and databases on a platform
integrated database
Serves as the central repository for all information, ensuring data consistency and reliability. Create tables and fields for your apps in a few seconds without writing code