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Create your IT solutions on the platform with no card and technical skills needed!
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$6.99One month is granted for sign up
UI Builder / DB Builder / Flow Builder
intuitive interface with“drag-and-drop” functionality allowing you to connect flows to design elements and link all your data in database tables
NodeRed: enabled while logged in
all the back-end Node-RED processes and operations will be stopped when a user logs out
Users: 1
App Amount: 1
the amount of apps the user can create and work with
Public App
User invitations: coming soon
AI builder: coming soon
an intuitive AI tool that allows you to write prompts in natural language and get a ready application without coding skills as a result
$6.99 per month
UI Builder / DB Builder / Flow Builder
intuitive interface with “drag-and-drop” functionality allowing you to connect flows to design elements and link all your data in database tables
NodeRed: 24/7
Node-RED works permanently, making all flows in your apps active 24/7
Users: 1
App Amount: 3
the user can create 3 apps to work with
Public App
an app that you can release and share with users without additional costs
Users invitations: coming soon
the number of users you can invite to work together on IT solutions
Ai builder: coming soon
an intuitive AI tool that allows you to write prompts in natural language and get a ready application without coding skills as a result