Optimizing Business Processes with Workflow Builders
WorkFlow builder

Meet Stacey, who is a young sole entrepreneur in the beauty business. She needed help finding a cost-effective solution to automate her clients’ management system. She experienced issues accepting, handling, and confirming all appointments with advanced dates. Sometimes, clients wanted to schedule several services for the same date, and Stacey literally was sinking in paper notes and routine work.

Stacey spent much time searching for a simple but robust tool to create a web application that allowed her clients to book appointments and communicate with her quickly. Indeed, she needed a solution to automate appointments, changes, and confirmation flows. However, she had two stoppers: her budget and lack of programming knowledge.

The moment came when she discovered PLATMA, a No/Low-code platform that allowed her to create a customized application without extensive programming knowledge or a dedicated IT team. With PLATMA, she made a user-friendly app that met her specific requirements. Using a ready-made template, she combined all necessary features in one place. Moreover, the customization of the template was intuitive and straightforward.

What impressed Stacey most about PLATMA was the chance to fine-tune all the components in the chosen template. As a business owner without programming experience, Stacey could adjust the calendar for clients’ appointments, upload and customize data tables containing data about services offered, and tailor the Appointment section according to business needs. As a result, she spent less time and effort to create the branded application.

PLATMA also allowed Stacey to integrate her web application with an available client billing system, making it easy to manage all aspects of her business from one spot: appointment-making and billing operations.

To sum up, Stacey revealed PLATMA to be an excellent solution for her clients’ management needs. She got a chance to cover the lion’s share of issues. Based on the results, Stacey highly recommends PLATMA to any business owner looking to streamline their workflows and improve customer experience.